Helping you get the right advice for your pension and retirement.

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Trusted Five Star Advice

Kind words from the people our advisors have helped with their pensions. The right pension advice can help you make the right decision.

"After using this service to compare my Pension Drawdown options, with the help of a very knowledgeable advisor I decided flexi-access drawdown best suited my plans for for future retirement." Graham Scott
"I received speedy advice on managing my existing pension funds, including releasing a tax free lump sum to meet my needs in retirement. Great financial advice and all very easy to understand." Helen Fenegan
"At 55 I needed to know more about my Pension Drawdown options before making decisions on my retirement. I was quickly connected to Financial advisor who presented a number of extremely helpful options" Andrew Beeney

Qualified advisors

All advisors are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).


Hassle Free

Our service saves you the time and efforts of finding the right advisor.


Specialist Advice

You are matched with an expert advisor that specialises in your enquiry type.

Secure & Confidential

All calls are recorded, logged and compliant to FCA standards. Zero-risk of being mis-advised.


Pension advice personal to you.

Evidence shows the benefits of financial advice can outweigh the cost by nearly 6,000%. A pension advisor can help you plan for retirement and look at options such as drawdown, tax-free cash, reviews and transfers.

  • Speak to a regulated advisor
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  • Plan your future retirement

Expert pension advice in 3 simple steps.

With clear jargon free advice, our pension advisors will inform you of the best options available for your needs. Find my Pension Expert

Financial advice can benefit customers by £40,000.

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Working with the whole market

Answers to frequently asked questions

When can you drawdown your pension?

You can drawdown from a personal pension from your 55th birthday. In some circumstances i.e. ill health, your pension provider may allow you to take money from your pension, but this is at their discretion.

How much do I need to retire?

The amount of money you need to retire is completely personal and dependent on how much you want to spend monthly, annually and for how long. It’s suggested that the average couple will need £29,100 per annum according to the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association in 2019.

When can I retire?

The age at you wish to retire is completely up to you if you have personal pensions. If you qualify for a full state pension, depending on your date of birth, this could start at 67 years old.

If you have a defined benefit pension, the scheme may dictate when you can start taking money from the scheme. This isn’t necessarily when you can retire, simply when they will allow you to start receiving an income.

Do all private pensions offer pension drawdown?

No, not all pensions offer the flexibility of pension drawdown, and it’s always advisable to speak with a financial advisor to find out if your policy offers flexible drawdown.

Is it possible to plan too early for retirement?

No, the earlier you start planning for retirement and contributing to a pension, the easier it will be to reach your target for a comfortable retirement.

Why should I speak with a retirement planning advisor?

Many people think when they get to retirement, they will have enough money to retire comfortably. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case and the money you think is substantial isn’t enough to last 20 years plus through retirement. Speaking with an advisor can help you to understand how much you may receive in retirement and put a plan of action together to help you achieve your retirement goals.

What is retirement income planning?

Retirement Income Planning is the process of assessing how much income you will need in retirement and then making decisions and actions on how to achieve the targeted income. Your financial advisor will work with you to make a detailed retirement plan to help achieve your goals.

How can I plan for retirement?

There are many ways to plan for retirement. Many people look to expert help with a financial advisor to create a plan for when they retire. A retirement plan could include financial projections, current saving targets and any lifestyle changes you wish to make. The earlier you plan, the easier it may be to achieve your retirement aims.

Why is telephone-advice better?

Convenience – You can talk to your advisor when you are at home, on a lunch break or commuting to work.

More Secure – We record all calls, and they’re logged and compliant to FCA standards. Face-to-face appointments aren’t, so there could be more opportunity to be misadvised.

In Your Own Time – We work at a time that suits you. You don’t have to wait around if we’re stuck in traffic or late to the booked appointment.

Efficient Process – With efficient telephone conversations, we can keep the impact on your busy daily life at a minimum.

Accessible – Your financial advisor is more accessible through a telephone meeting than booking a specific face-to-face appointment, weeks in advance.